Weekly Reviews: The Most Essential Part of Productivity
Your Moment of Truth: What Will You Choose?

Getting Things Done: Ready, Set, DO!

You have more to do than you can possibly do. You just need to feel good about your choices. - David Allen

Ready...Set...DO. Today is the final step in the series highlighting David Allen's Getting Things Done process for stress free productivity. You've made and reviewed your lists and have some valuable time available. It is time to finally get something done...to DO.

The goal in the "do" stage of David Allen's process is to "move from hope to trust in your actions" resulting in an immediate increase in your speed and effectiveness.  Allen gives us three models for making choices that when integrated into your routine, will help you feel good about your choices.  Following is a brief synopsis.
1.  Choosing Actions in the Moment (consider the following of each task, in the order below):

  • Context
  • Time available
  • Energy Available
  • Priority

2.  Evaluating Daily Work:

  • Doing predefined work
  • Doing work as it shows up
  • Defining your work

3. Reviewing Your Work:

  • 50,000+ feet: Life
  • 40,000 feet: Three- to five-year vision
  • 30,000 feet: One- to two-year goals
  • 20,000 feet: Areas of responsibility
  • 10,000 feet: Current projects
  • Runway: Current actions

There is definitely an art to getting things done.  Everything must be considered in its proper context as it interrelates to the rest of our lives.  We need to consider both the immediate, mid-term and future when choosing what to do. Those who master the art of productivity set themselves apart from the rest in all that they do.  How will you set yourself apart today?

Want to start from the beginning of the series? Below are links in order.  Happy DO-ing!

  1. The Art of Efficiency
  2. Collect the "stuff" representing your "to do's"
  3. Process what you collect
  4. Organize results of processing
  5. Review results as options "to do"
  6. Do the best thing to do 

Now, tell me what you think of the process. What experiences have you had in getting organized & productive? Share your thoughts in a comment below.
