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The Essence of Authentic Leadership

"To be an authentic leader requires you to be genuine and to have a passion for your purpose; you must practice your values, lead with your heart, develop connected relationships, and have the self-discipline to get results." - Bill George, Finding Your Truth North: A Personal Guide

Being an authentic leader is no easy task. It requires much soul searching to discover our purpose and uncover our core values. Once discovered, we need discipline to live out what we believe, especially through the storms of life.

Authentic leaders integrate who they are into everything they do. They are genuine, sincere and consistent in their attitudes and actions because they are comfortable in their own skin, shortcomings and all. They don't try to be anyone else.

How authentic are you around the people you lead? How comfortable are you in letting others know of your vulnerabilities?

It takes intentional personal development to become an authentic leader, but it is worth the effort. Authentic leaders inspire confidence, loyalty and trust in their organizations and in their work because their willingness to be vulnerable creates connections with and empowers others.

Now, it's your turn. What does authentic leadership mean to you? How have you been impacted by an authentic leader? Let us hear your thoughts by clicking on the comment link below!

For help on becoming an authentic leader, feel free to contact me for a consultation!
